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Behind The Draws

Today, Diane Stannard, The Ladies Secretary shared with the Ladies Delegates how the draw for the 2025 Ladies' Competitions was made using the Competition Portal and we are going to take the opportunity of sharing this with you.

"I am pleased to inform you that the Ladies Competition draws will go live on the Portal this afternoon, likely sometime between 3pm and 5pm.  The finalised calendar will also be published on the Portal, for those of you who have not entered any competitions please be aware you can access this, and other information on the portal without having to have an account or logging in .

In advance of the "go live" I wanted to let you know a couple of things that are subtly different to what has been done before due to the functionality of the Portal, and also some info about some comps.

Firstly, due to the low numbers of entrants, for the following competitions we have performed an "open draw" with the West Suffolk/Ipswich/Lowestoft areas all combined: Fours, Senior Fours, Champion of Champions, Unbadged, Secretaries/Treasurers/Delegates, Hadleigh Cup and Top Team.

For the 4-wd singles, Pairs, Triples and Over 55 Singles, the draw has been done in the traditional areas.  BUT ... for each of these competitions, due to the way that the Portal works it needs to be set up in 8 "mini-areas" in order for each mini-area to provide one quarter-finalist.  As in the past, we have worked out how many quarter-finalists West Suffolk/Lowestoft/Ipswich should get according to how many entrants there were from each of those areas, and we've then set up the Portal min-areas accordingly.  So, for example:

In the Triples, there were 9 entrants from Ipswich, 6 entrants from Lowestoft and 2 entrants from West Suffolk - therefore Ipswich will get 4 quarter-finalists (therefore 4 mini-areas on the Portal), Lowestoft will get 3 quarter-finalists (so 3 mini-areas on the Portal) and West Suffolk will get 1 quarter-finalist (so 1 mini-area on the Portal).

On the Portal landing page for each of these 4 competitions (4-wd singles, Pairs, Triples and Over 55 Singles) we have entered which county area (WS/Ips/Low) is in which area on the draw page.  All of these competitions have also had the Quarter-finals calculated, so for example, the Winner of Area 5 might play the Winner of Area 3. As you all "dig around" in the Portal, I'm sure you will work it out 😃 

For the 2-wd singles, as in previous years, the draw has not been performed, but will be done on the day according to who turns up to play.  The 2-wd singles day is on Sat 24th May. The Ipswich area and West Suffolk area players will combine at Rookery (17 entrants in total) and the Lowestoft area players will be at Thurlton (11 entrants).  Both venues will be 12:30 for 1pm starts; please be prompt for arrival by 12.30 so we can get the draw done by 12.45.  The coordinators on the day at each venue will communicate together to work out, based on the number of players that have turned up, how many quarter-finalists will come from each venue, and then the draw will be done.

The other thing is that for the semi-finals for competitions that qualify to Leamington, the Portal appears to only allow us to enter one calendar date. I can confirm that, as in previous years, the semi-finals will be played over two dates, Sat 19th July and Sun 20th July.  Also as in previous years, as the quarter-finals are completed we will work out which semi-finals will be on which day depending on who gets through in what.

I really must extend sincere thanks to Ben Beamish for all of his help and technical wizardry to get this draw done for us whilst Helen remains out of action.  Even though there is little "human involvement" in the actual draw now (it's largely a case of hitting a few buttons), there is still a lot that has to be done in advance to make sure everything is set up correctly and we have still done a full QC check to make sure everything has come through correctly.  That being said, if you spot anything wrong please let me know and we can get it corrected.  Also, any questions or concerns about the competitions, please continue to contact me in the first instance."



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